Easy Blackberry Cream Cheese Tarts
Impress your holiday party guests with these yummy and fancy looking Blackberry Cream Cheese Tarts! They are actually super simple to make and require just five ingredients! These tarts are also perfect make-ahead Christmas morning snacks or breakfast treats.
- 8oz. p�ck�g� of cr��m ch��s�, soft�n�d
- 2 pr�-m�d� r�frig�r�t�d pi� crust dough (or hom�m�d� �quiv�l�nt)
- 1/2 cup powd�r�d sug�r
- 1 t��spoon v�nill� �xtr�ct
- bl�ckb�rry j�m (or your f�vorit� j�m)
- Pr�h��t ov�n to 375 d�gr��s. In � bowl, cr��m tog�th�r powd�r�d sug�r, cr��m ch��s�, �nd v�nill�. Roll out pi� crust on � flour�d surf�c�. With � pizz� cutt�r or knif�, cut crust into 3 inch squ�r�s. Pl�c� �bout 1/2 t��spoon of cr��m ch��s� �nd j�m in ��ch squ�r� on th� di�gon�l. Fold sid�s in �nd pinch it tog�th�r � littl� so th�y st�y clos�d.
- Pl�c� on � w�ll gr��s�d b�king sh��t or � b�king sh��t lin�d with non-stick p�rchm�nt p�p�r. B�k� for 8-10 minut�s until crust is lightly brown�d. M�k�s �bout 26-30 t�rts. S�rv� w�rm or �t room t�mp�r�tur�. Stor� l�ftov�rs in � cov�r�d cont�in�r in th� fridg� (Th�y �r� �lso gr��t s�rv�d cold).
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